Monday, August 28, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
1-25 pg.32-33
1. A second in a fractionalpart of amicrosecond is 1 of1,000,000 and a second in a fractional partof a nano second is 1 of 1,000,000,000
2.Because they almost are never wrong however computers are as accurate as the instructions provided by the human.
3.The factors that have contributed to the modern computers spread is new and fewer mechanical parts, improved materials, and the development of tiny circuit boards.
4.A computer that could be used for anything is called general purpose.
5.Modern computers are considered to be cost effective because they are very useful for what they cost.
6.Its logic and decition makiing aids in its own development.
7.Becasue a single error can completedly change the outcome.
8.Input, proccesing , output.
9.Computer can procces store and figure out information extremly fast.
10.Hardware is the part of the computer u can touch , such as: the monitor, keyboards, the mouse, chips and such. software in the other hand is the programs within the computer, such as: paint, word proccesor and the information display on the screen.
11.Input: Keyboard, micropphone, mouse.
Output: screen, speakers.
storage: CPU
13.Input ,proccesing ,output
14.Minicoputer: Smaller,less powerfull. Microcomputer: even less pwerfull and small.
15.A portable computer (AKA :Laptop,notebook) is a computer u can carry with u
16.High mathematical calculations, space program and nuclear weapons.
18.They can organize importan fiels so they easly accesible and can make transaction instantly.
19.Pay bills, games, research, entretaiment.
20.It can help us predict the weatehr with high performance calculations and odd of what weather comes this way.
21.automated subway/railroad management
23.more effective ways of monitoriung patiens, scheduling ceertain activities and instruments to increase a patients odd of recovery.
24.if u can usae a robot to do something dangerous instead of a human woulnt you?
25.Gaming music, videos,o research, blogs, ebay
How have computers changed our LIVES!!

Computer have changed how the world does a lot of things including (Business, shopping, meeting other people, entretainment and such..)
50 years ago u could not pay bills online or surf the net.
computers have revoluzionized how the world does business. Net meetings are very common today and are used by many companies. If i had a nickel for every page ever visited i would be RICH!!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Best All Time Websites !!
The following is the list of the best Websites EVAH!! lol